Its laughable really. And Painful. All at the same time
At least the deities of Cretan mythology were reduced to monsters by the crafty West, making an ancient warrior into a Minotaur. Monsters retain their skills, strength and capability. What cannot be forgiven however, is the reduction of the powerful Nandi Gana into a pastoral animal, who ferried Gods. Vahana of the Indian Gods were not glorified sedans. They served their lord, guarded his chambers and most often quit their families and tribes to be with their focus deity. They were extensively knowledgeable and tremendously skilled, now reduced into just vehicles. With our 18th century calendar art, we have basically stripped Him of all glory and labelled Him as a servant.
Nandi Deva would have been proud to be called a servant of Shiva. Still is. It is indeed our loss to not have known the conscious being behind the bull imagery. We have truly missed the forest for the tree.

So, if the deities were all powerful, why did they need guardians and gate keepers? It is like asking why a CEO needs staff and security. If they spent all their energy and skill just for security, how will the deities focus on people, management and spirituality? The Sanskrit term Nandi means joy and satisfaction, something that defines the Gana well. A being who was the epitome of knowledge, happiness and patience. One of the very few devotees who could follow without doubt or questions and for this very essence, no Shiva temple exists without the glorious gana placed face to face with His Lord.
It is time, isn’t it? To render unto Nandi, the fame and glory that was His and still is. Nandi was the gatekeeper to Kailash; the warrior who wouldn’t let anyone through without explicit instruction. A gana who was a skilled warrior, well educated in the art of war and blessed with bullish strength and immense knowledge. No flag of Veera Shaiva flies without an image of Nandi.
We bow down to Him.