Vashikaran is not hypnotism. English translation of texts on vashikaran uses the term ‘hypnotism’ loosely to explain this very Indian concept. Maybe limitations of a 2-dimensional language to explain 3 dimensional concepts. Unlike hypnotism that has a singular, sleep-like quality to it, vashikaran works on several levels. Every skill in our country has been looked at completely, from a holistic point of view. Our perception is not of a dumbed-down version of good and evil. We recognize the several shades of grey, appreciate & learn to utilize, based on a requirement.

Vashikaran is very useful when it comes to dealing with depression, self-destructive tendencies, discipline-issues and dealing with trauma. There are several tools developed in #Bharat for #Vashikaran. We have #flora based vashikaran, #fauna based vashikaran and metal/stone based vashikaran. Each of these have their benefits and their failings. An expert has no preferences. He /She will use what is available to the best of their efforts.
I find a combination of stone with floral ash to be a trustworthy vashikaran tool. The stone keeps memory & the ash manages potency; a winning combination. Fresh ash for every occasion is a must. What stone you choose makes a lot of difference too. There are many choices for the discerning individual. Pink quartz Is kind, black onyx is very curious, amethyst has mystical properties…the list is endless.
Remember, that with flora, fauna &mineral, the effects are short term and can be swayed by others. There is an absolute, cast in stone, mistake -proof method of vashikaran that can be maintained over long periods of time. This type of vashikaran can be done with the help of other beings. This has been employed specifically for control over particular situations
1. Long periods of time (Months, years or more)
2. The target is spiritually powerful & other vashikaran will not work
3. The focus person has a காவல் தெய்வம் or a guardian diety that has been consecrated for their family
4. The person has a public job or presence (Like a king) that makes any changes in personality, immediately visible.

An example of this would be that of Alexander during his bout in India. Although western history tries very hard to show him as a success, 2 things are very evident with Alexander. One, he came for immortality and met a mystic. Something happened that completely changed the personality of the warrior. Second, what happened with their leader, completely enamoured the army, that a large number decided to stay back and live in this mystical and magical land. Such U-turns in personality can only be attributed to 3 things. Hallucinogens, mental illness and vashikaran. Considering that the effects of his decision lasted even after he left India and he seemed to make sense to people around him, we can safely assume 3 and ignore 1 &2.
Vashikaran and Curse (शाप ) are two side of the same penny if you look at it closely. Vasiyam or vashikaran lulls a person into complacence to work them into doing what you want and Curse is absolute consciousness of themselves being pulled into doing something they don’t want. The materials used for both varies. There are higher gems in the list of 200+ precious/ semi precious gems that we have on our planet, that lend themselves to both Vashikaran and to Curses. The lower gems need to be worked well and still can work with only one aspect. The diamond, ruby and Emerald are very special. They can exhibit a certain intelligence in the way they execute a curse or Vashikaran. The Koh-i-noor diamond is a great example of a stone with intelligence. Blessed by Durga, the stone was consecrated for the use of powerful queens of India. Why only women? The diamond like most gems are borne of the earth, very much like a child in the womb. The women know how to handle change and ride the phases of change. Only one who can manage change can manage a diamond, as the stone takes you to the top, but not with ease. Over 500 years the stone changed hands from one man to the next over bloody battles and coups. After the East Indian Company took over the stone after the annexation and disbandment of the Sikh Empire, they met with the 1857 mutiny that shook their roots. However, the British took a large number of consecrated statues with them when they left. The Diamond will follow, destroy and be relentless, till these idols are returned to their temples.
A caveat with vashikaran as with any other occult practice is that, it comes with serious karmic, social and emotional consequences. The kindest way to use vashikaran is to use it to benefit the other person and the wisest way is to use it only for spiritual gains. Both still come with karmic burdens, but the latter is mostly used by a Guru who knows how to dissipate the resulting karma.